Standard Operations And Precedure's

Commitment | Honor | Integrity

Sheriff - Mr. ShaggMan 1K-01

UnderSheriff - NickWall S-02

Colonel - Vacant S-03

Major - Vacant S-04

Titles of the BCSO Standard Operations

  1. Law Enforcement Agency Role
  1. Purpose
  2. Oath of Office
  3. Code of Ethics
  1. Rank Structure
  2. Operational Structure within BCSO
  1. Patrol Operations
  2. Operational Support
  1. Disciplinary Guidelines
  1. Guideline Basis
  2. Activity Requirements
  3. Disciplinary Actions
  1. Disciplinary Guidelines
  1. Guideline Basis
  2. Activity Requirements
  3. Disciplinary Actions


Title 1: Law Enforcement Agency Role

  1. Purpose

  1.  The purpose of the blaine county sheriff’s office is to create Peace and a sense of Safety within Blaine County, while also creating a Laid back yet serious environment for it’s deputies. This document was created to outline the offices structure, within Rank, Uniformity and disciplinary.
  1. Oath of Office

  1.  All officers shall take an “Oath of Office” prior to assuming sworn status or when receiving a promotion to a higher sworn rank. Sworn personnel will abide by the “Oath of Office.” The “Oath of Office” is a pledge to uphold the Laws of San Andreas
  1. Code of Ethics

  1. All Department employees must be fully aware of the ethical responsibilities of their position and must strive constantly to live up to the highest possible standards of professional policing. Consequently, the Department shall adopt a Code of Ethics as a guideline for the performance of its duties.
  1. All sworn and civilian employees shall receive instruction on the Department “Code of Ethics”, at a minimum, biennially.
  2. “Code of Ethics” review can be in the form of classroom, shift briefing, computer-based training, or training bulletins.

Code of Ethics

As a member of the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, my first duty is to serve the people of San Andreas. I will safeguard lives and property, and protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder. Above all else, I shall respect the constitutional rights of all people to liberty, equality, and justice.

I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all, maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule, develop self restraint, and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. I will be honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, and I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my Department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept confidential unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.

I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence, and never accepting gratuities.

I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself to my chosen profession… law enforcement.

Title 2: Rank Structure

  1. Reason for the Structure

  1. Each Department has a developed structure within the All Pro Roleplay Community , as it helps create a safe, effective, and efficient chain of command and stance as to where members stand.

  2. Promotions, will be on a case by case basis until achieving the rank of Corporal , Based off of Roleplay, leadership skills, and Activity; not tenure or time overall in the community.

  1. Asking for a promotion, or asking in a roundabout way, will result in a full reset of your rank in the Sheriff’s Office.
  2. Ranks past the rank of Corporal are Competitive, meaning the best qualified Deputies will achieve those ranks.
  1. Membership Ranks

  1. Deputy I

  2. Deputy II

  3. Deputy III

  1. Supervisor in Training Ranks

  1. Corporal

  1. Supervisor Ranks

  1. Sergeant 

  1. Command Staff

  1. Lieutenant  1lt_16.png

  2. Major 

  1. Administration

  1. Colonel

  2. UnderSheriff

  3. Sheriff

Detailed Ranks and their appropriate responsibilities:

Title 3: Operational Structure

  1.  Patrol Operations

  1. Patrol Operations are the foundation of department, Each officer will patrol in a vehicle they are assigned too. The Patrol Operations department will have a Lieutenant overseeing the division. Each Deputy Will be Assigned to Wear “S_M_Y_Sheriff” outfit found in the F3 Menu, or “Sheriff Male” found in the F1 Menu.
  2. The Patrol Operations Department will have
  1. 50 Deputies - 5 Sergeants - 4 Lieutenants - 2 Major’s
  1. 1 Sergeant for every 10 deputies
  2. 1 Lieutenant for every 1-2 Sergeants
  3. 1 Captain for every 2 Lieutenants

  1.  Sub Division Management Team

  1. The Subdivision management Team are the Pillars of the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, Subdivision Management Team  will have the Colonel overseeing it.
  2. In order to submit an Application to run a subdivision, a member must:
  1. Must be the rank of sergeant or higher
  2. Have an SOP, Training Guide, and Application Ready
  3. Have the Chain Of Command Approve it
  1. Subdivisions
  1. Special Response Team
  2. K-9 Unit
  3. Traffic Services unit

Title 4: Disciplinary Guidelines

  1. Guideline Basis

  1. Each Officer regardless of rank within the community will be held to the same standard, ALL Members of the Department will follow the same rules stated in the Rules and Regulations as well as their assigned vehicle structure, and their assigned uniform structure.
  1. Activity/membership Requirements

  1. Each Deputy Regardless of Rank within the community must achieve the following activity requirements in order to maintain membership in the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, and must meet ALL of the following criteria:
  1. Achieved At LEAST 4 hours of patrol time per 2 Weeks
  2. Attend One training Per month ( if you are the rank of Corporal or below )

  1. Disciplinary Actions

  1. Depending on severity Of an action , can result in one or more disciplinary Actions
  1. Verbal Warning - Issued by {Sergeants and Above}

  1. Issued for Minor Offenses.
  1. Written Warning - Issued by {Sergeants and Above}

  1. Issued for Normal Offenses.
  1. Removal from Game - Issued by {Staff and Administration}

  1. Issued for Non Roleplay Offences.
  1. Recertification - Issued by {Lieutenant  and Above}

  1. Issued for Roleplay Offenses,
  1. Termination from Subdivision - Issued by {Subdivision Leads}

  1. Issued for Subdivision Offenses.
  1. Suspension - Issued by {Major and Above}

  1. Issued for Serious Offences.
  1. Removal From Department - Issued by {Department Head}

  1. Issued for Serious Offences.

Title 5: Pursuit Policy

Policy A: Initiation of pursuit

  1. Due to the extremely dangerous nature of pursuits, the initiation of a pursuit must have a viable reason to be initiated. (e.g. Felony warrant for arrest, violent crime, etc.)

Policy B: Termination of pursuit

  1. Once a pursuit has been initiated, approximately five (5) minutes must pass before any termination techniques are executed.
  2. Any maneuver conducted must be authorized by both, the highest ranking officer in the pursuit.
  3. In order to terminate one of the following techniques are to be executed:
  1. Pursuit Intervention Technique
  2. Roll-in Road Block

Title 6: Execution of a Pursuit Maneuver

Roll-in Roadblock: Two pursuing vehicles will pull ahead of the fleeing vehicle, and create a V formation, while one or more pursuing vehicles will fall in behind the fleeing vehicle will slowly begin to break causing the fleeing vehicle to be forced to come to a stop. If in the event the fleeing vehicle does not show signs of slowing down as a result of the maneuver, the maneuver must be terminated.

Pursuit Intervention Technique: A officer will align the front bumper of their vehicle with the rear bumper of the fleeing vehicle, then turn into the vehicle causing its rear tires to break traction from the pavement. In order to execute the Pursuit Intervention Technique, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Roadway must be paved of asphalt
  2. Fleeing vehicle must not be traveling at speeds greater than 50 Miles per hour
  3. Fleeing vehicle must not collide with any oncoming traffic
  4. Fleeing vehicle must not cause excess structural damage to any building or public appliance, as a result of the maneuver.

Title 7: Civilian Ride Along

  1. The civilian may not have any felonies on record.
  1. The civilian may not have any misdemeanors  within the past two years.
  2. The civilian may not have any outstanding  citations.

Title 8: The Use-Of-Force Continuum

a) Officer Presence — No force is used. Considered the best way to resolve a situation. 

b) Verbalization — Force is not-physical.

c) Empty-Hand Control — Officers use bodily force to gain control of a situation.

d) Less-Lethal Methods — Officers use less-lethal technologies to gain control of a situation.

e) Lethal Force — Officers use lethal weapons to gain control of a situation. Should only be used if a suspect poses a serious threat to the officer or another individual.

Created by BCSO Administrative Team
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